Rens den Hollander


Rens den Hollander [1957] lives and works in woonwerkpand Tetterode, a free space in Amsterdam []. She works mainly with refugees, on migration-issues & human rights. As an activist with autonomous spirit and 'do it yourself'-backgrounds, she used to work in Autonomous Centre A'dam [] and D4net [Dromen-Denken-Durven & Doen ---> to Dream, Think, Dare & Do]. These were collectives organizing global & local actions for a better world, against detention & deportation of refugees, for freedom of movement to everybody. Against racism & neo-colonialism. Against Israeli settlements in Palestine, for peace in the Middle East. Against climatecrisis & for food sovereignity. AC / D4net were a member of wwpt, unfortunately having to stop due to a lack of finances, and part of the work continues since from my kitchen-table on!